Vector for Platypus Depositors

Vector allows users to deposit stablecoins and other assets to earn boosted yield from the Platypus platform, without having to stake their PTP and worry about accruing vePTP. Depositors are able to take advantage of our ample vePTP supply and utilize that for a boosted yield.

Rewards are paid out in PTP

  • Platypus depositors receive a boosted return in PTP

  • Depositors can also earn bonus rewards by converting their PTP to xPTP and staking it

  • Staked xPTP earns a portion of Vector's revenue along with VTX; VTX can then be locked to earn even more

  • Our compound button makes boosting those yields super easy

Between boosted vePTP rewards and compounding their rewards Platypus depositors receive much better yield for these farms than they could on their own.

Last updated